Nomad He always thought of himself as dependable. So even him was surprised when he bailed on his pregnant girlfriend at the worst possible time… Unredeemable douchebag or foolish Man-Child ? You decide.
Eve She was prepared for everything. The apocalypse. The last day on Earth. Her baby not being born…One thing she couldn’t foresee was for her stupid boyfriend to out-stupid himself. Those fricking boys, right ?
Lady Book Kind, cultured, drawn to the poetics of life. She’s a reminder of what hu- manity used to be before it all turned to shit. Now she's gathering the finest books ever written to build a Memorial to our (long past) greatness.
Old Man A frail, eye-patch-wea- ring grandpa who just wants to spend these final hours with his grand-daughter. He’s on a desperate mission to save his beloved Sophie from the dank marauders that took her.
Sophie Snatched by marauders, she longs to reunite with her dear old pop- pop. She broke her arm not long ago and meant to take off her pink arm-cast today. « Because we’re all gonna be taken off today ».
Explosion Kid He loves a good explosion, and misses an arm and leg to prove it. Today he’s the happiest kid in the whole wide world because he’s gonna witness the grand-daddy of explosions. The (very) big one.
Mr Quiz We're in the final stretch now. Some need to burn their brain cells away. Others want to cuddle in fear. Him ? He takes pride in a good trivia. You’d need to answer his tricky questions to get into town.
High Priest The last civil servant on Earth (boring and by-the-book), he’s running an industry of suicide in town. Dead bodies power the nuclear plant, which in turns powers the party. And the party can never stop.